Blackout Curtains: 5 Fast Facts

Published on September 4, 2024

Interesting research study and vids relevant with Blackout Curtains Quality, Blackout Curtains: 5 Fast Facts.

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Fact #1. Quality blackout curtains, if properly installed, envelop you in a pitch-dark environment. According to a variety of studies, total darkness provides the optimal conditions for superior sleep for most people. It doesn’t matter if it’s the dead of night or the middle of a sunny afternoon.

Fact #2. Some believe blackout curtains make it more difficult to wake up in the morning. The validity of these claims is up for debate. Either way, these curtains are essentially an all-or-nothing proposition. If you want to have the ability to control the amount of light entering the room, you’re probably better off going with standard window blinds.

Fact #3. Those who like peace and quiet will appreciate these curtain’s ability to considerably reduce the amount of noise that gets in to a room. Minimizing everyday sounds like traffic, construction, lawn mowers, and loud children can create a pleasant atmosphere. If your neighbors are having a loud party late into the night, any solution that doesn’t involve calling the police is ideal.

Fact #4. If you value complete and utter privacy, blackout curtains will suit your lifestyle well. If your curtains are completely blocking light from entering the room, it stands to reason that they’re preventing light from exiting the room, as well. People on the other side of the window won’t even be able to see a shadow, let alone catch a glimpse of anything inside your home.

Fact #5. By limiting the amount of sunlight and UV rays that enter the room, these curtains help reduce energy costs. They’re effective in trapping heat in your home during the winter and pushing it out during the summer. This will positively affect your utility bill. It will also reduce the amount of greenhouse gases present inside your house.

Blackout Curtains: 5 Fast Facts

Blackout Curtains: 5 Fast Facts.

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